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Past Events – Page 7 – Office of Advanced Research Computing Past Events – Page 7 – Office of Advanced Research Computing

Network Analysis for Humanists

Are you interested in exploring and analyzing historical or cultural networks representing trade, communication, kinship relationships, or similar? In this workshop, we will use Gephi to analyze the relationships between actors and make a network graph to show our findings. No prior experience with network analysis is required.

Data Publication 2

Publishing to data repositories and creating R packages Sharing your data and code is the essential step in maximizing the impact and usefulness of your research. This workshop first reviews repositories for data publication such as Dataverse, ICPSR, OSF, Zenodo, and more. Then we turn to a detailed discussion of building R packages. R Packages … Read More

GIS Joins, Queries and Data Management

A Geographic Information System (GIS) can be a very useful tool for your research by incorporating location when exploring questions. In this short, interactive workshop, we will work through various GIS data tools including data table join operations, queries, selections, and spatial data management. Make sure to register for an ArcGIS Online account before the … Read More

Network Analysis for Humanists

Are you interested in exploring and analyzing historical or cultural networks representing trade, communication, kinship relationships, or similar? In this workshop, we will use Gephi to analyze the relationships between actors and make a network graph to show our findings. No prior experience with network analysis is required.

Machine Learning: Regression

This workshop will give an introduction to machine learning methods with regression. Supplemental materials are available at

Data Science Basics: Introduction to Relational Databases with SQL

This workshop will introduce the relational database as an alternative to spreadsheets. We will use the self-contained SQLite database engine, practicing with both an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) and exploring the corresponding SQL commands. We will discuss appropriate use cases for a database engine like SQLite and how it compares to server-based … Read More

Machine Learning: Neural Networks

This workshop will give an introduction to machine learning methods with neural networks. Supplemental materials are available at

Machine Learning: Decision Trees and Random Forests

This workshop will give an introduction to machine learning methods with decision trees and random forests. Supplemental materials are available at ​

Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences

Systematic, Scoping, and Literature Reviews, Oh My! An Introduction to Evidence Synthesis in the Social Sciences Are you a social science faculty member or graduate student interested in learning about systematic or scoping reviews? Are you curious about what these methods entail? This workshop is for you! Evidence synthesis methods are growing in popularity among … Read More

Deep Learning with Python and Keras

Register to attend this workshop at the bottom of this page. Zoom link will be emailed after filling out the registration form. Deep learning (DL) outperforms Machine Learning (ML) in many applications such as Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this workshop, we will go through the basics of artificial neural networks (ANN), … Read More